March 16, 2012

text messaging mixed messages

Texting is a part of our everyday culture. It’s eliminated the act of picking up one’s phone, dialing one’s number, and hearing one’s voice. It’s simple, mindless, and most importantly, convenient. It’s replaced the romantic, “I’ll call you” phrase to the “Did you get my text?” Not what a girl wants to hear.

Mixed messages in text messages are fairly common. The tone of a text. The length of a text. The actual meaning of a text. It’s all very confusing and often times misleading. There’s always some sort of incommunicado that occurs between two consenting texting adults.

Texting when you’ve had a few too many martinis. Sadly, we’re all guilty of it. You send a message that could potentially change your life. Whether it’s the “I miss you” or the “I’m so mad at you” text, it’s all very humiliating. Painful to watch. In fact, pathetic. You wake up the next morning and immediately try to destroy the evidence. Go to your outbox and say sayonara to the text message that essentially ruined you. Pressing “send” may possibly be the worst thing you can do under the influence. You’re secretly hoping, wishing it never went through. What makes matters worse is getting an actual response from the person you were harassing the following day. Just a friendly reminder that he/she received the message, acknowledged it, then chose not to respond until the timing was just right. Just when you would be of sound mind. Mortified much? We all do it or have done it at some point in our lives. It’s not so much the time you sent it, it’s the actual message that may make you cringe. The things you could never say without some liquid courage. Did you mean what you said? Was it done out of passion, excitement, anger? Who knows. The only conclusion is that texting under the influence is dangerous. Don't do it.

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