September 21, 2010

will work for food...

working in the freelance world or as an independent contractor, as I like to call it, (sounds more fancy shmancy) has its perks. work a few months, take time off to travel, relax, and catch up with friends you managed to avoid while working outrageous hours. it also has its drawbacks. no health insurance. no 401k. no guarantees. nada. nothing. to most level headed people, working in a career that often times does not provide an ounce of stability is crazy. wacky. unheard of. but this is the life i live. the life i’m accustomed to. unpredictability and instability…which can lead to excitement and adventure…or the unemployment line.

see, in freelance there’s always a beginning and an end. no surprises. you know when you start and you have a rough idea when it ends. there’s no such thing as, “this isn’t working out.” much like a relationship…you’re fully committed when you’re in, but you’re free to do whatever you want once it’s over. no hard feelings. off to something bigger and better.

here is one major thing i learned in my freelance life…

starting a new job with a new company is like the first day of school. no one talks to you. you’re the new kid. the person who does befriend you is usually the nerd no one likes. the weirdo with the pocket protector, if you will. this is the guy or girl that everyone in the office secretly hates. it usually starts with, “hi, my name is Brad. what’s your name?” you respond politely, “my name is so and so.” now, usually that’s just a formality. even though you’re desperate to make friends, you CANNOT become besties with the first person who tries chatting it up with you in the office.


because they’re probably, most likely part of the geek squad. there’s no real squad. it’s just one geek trying to make friends with the poor, unsuspecting new hire. he might seem friendly, but you’re making a massive mistake by accepting his offer to go to lunch. by saying yes to grabbing a burger down the street, you’ve been pegged by the rest of the office as “the new guy who hangs out with boring Brad.” remember, you’re the new guy. the odds are already stacked against you. Brad, in this case, is the guy in the office who comes in early and always leaves late. he’s the go getter in the group that everyone dislikes. he’s the one upper. watch out for him. ditch him. ditch him fast or else you too will be shunned by the cool kids.

freelance may not be for everyone, but for someone like me who can’t sit at a desk, dress business casual day in and day out, and work a 9 to 5, it’s perfect. well, sometimes perfect.